When is a Vulnerability Assessment necessary?

Covert Threats Vulnerability assessment services are cost-effective in discovering one of the most critical areas of risk in all environments, Technical Vulnerabilities.  Frequent scans assist in the identification of unpatched operating systems, third party application flaws and configuration errors, which present a possible point of entry for attackers to infiltrate the network. Excelling Security, Covert Threat provides more than raw scan data, our security experts assist your organization in analyzing the vulnerabilities and recommend the best course of action to address the remediation plan.

What you receive

Executive Summary Report

Detailed Technical Report

Designed for managers, executives and board of directors.

Designed for technical teams apart of the remediation.

This report contains a high overview of the organizations overall security posture with vulnerabilities ranging from critical to low.

This report contains a detailed description of all vulnerabilities ranging from critical to low with remediation recommendations.

Executive Summary Report

Designed for managers, executives and board of directors.

This report contains a high overview of the organizations overall security posture with vulnerabilities ranging from critical to low.

Detailed Technical Report

Designed for technical teams apart of the remediation.

This report contains a detailed description of all vulnerabilities ranging from critical to low with remediation recommendations.

Why Choose Covert Threat

Covert Threat’s industry leading security professionals are readily available to assist and recommend additional security methods to better protect your organizations environment. Our experts will work with your organization team leads to stimulate either a real-life vulnerability scanning scenario with zero knowledge known as blackbox, partial knowledge, known as graybox or with full information on the corporate infrastructure disclosed to perform a whitebox assessment.


Uncovering a range of vulnerabilities relating to network devices such as servers, switches and laptops


Assessing the cloud corporate infrastructure through vulnerability analysis vectors (Azure, AWS, GCP)


Assessing wireless networks broadcasting and encryption uncovering security flaws through vulnerability analysis


Identification of web application vulnerabilities using OWASP Top 10 standards


Exposing smart devices potential hardware & software vulnerabilities that are connected to the network


Testing of mobile applications in iOS (IPA) and Android (APK). Identifying security flaws within mobile applications

"your trust, our security"

vulnerability Assessment vs. Penetration Testing

Know the Difference!

Vulnerability Assessment

Penetration Testing


Monthly. Plus an additional test after changes in the network.

At least once a year. Typically quarterly or semi-annually.


Comprehensive list of vulnerabilities, which may include false positives.

A “call to action” document. It lists the vulnerabilities that were successfully exploited.

Performed By

In-house security staff or a third-party vendor like Covert Threat.

A provider of penetration testing services like Covert Threat.


Uncovers a wide range of possible vulnerabilities.

Identifies and reduces weaknesses by validating and exploiting vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment


Monthly. Plus an additional test after changes in the network.


Comprehensive list of vulnerabilities, which may include false positives.

Performed By

In-house security staff or a third-party vendor like Covert Threat.


Uncovers a wide range of possible vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing


At least once a year. Typically quarterly or semi-annually.


A “call to action” document. It lists the vulnerabilities that were successfully exploited.

Performed By

A provider of penetration testing services like Covert Threat.


Identifies and reduces weaknesses by validating and exploiting vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Analysis Approach & Methodology

1. Define Scope

Detailed outline with the customer to define what assets are in scope.

4. Vulnerability Analysis

Utilize enterprise and custom scanning tools to uncover vulnerabilities.

2. Information Gathering

Map out the corporate infrastructure based on services, ports, hardware, software and operating system. 

5. Reporting

Creation of  Executive and Detail technical reports for both management and remediation team.

3. Threat Modeling

Determine mission critical and connected assets to corporate data through white, gray or black box approach.

6. Exit Call

Call scheduled with customers management and remediation team to explain in detail the findings and assist in remediation processes.

1. Define Scope

Detailed outline with the customer to define what assets are in scope.

2. Information Gathering

Map out the corporate infrastructure based on services, ports, hardware, software and operating system. 

3. Threat Modeling

Determine mission critical and connected assets to corporate data through white, gray or black box approach.

4. Vulnerability Analysis

Utilize enterprise and custom scanning tools to uncover vulnerabilities.

5. Reporting

Creation of  Executive and Detail technical reports for both management and remediation team.

6. Exit Call

Call scheduled with customers management and remediation team to explain in detail the findings and assist in remediation processes.

Is your business secure?


CovertThreat is ready to assist with all your organizational security needs! 

Are you Prepared?


Our team of  industry experts are ready to assess your organizational end-points to discover all possible security flaws.

Lets Us Find your Weak-points!


Once we assess your organization for security flaws, our team provides the a detailed solution to eliminate the potential threat vectors. We work with you!

Your Trust, Our SECURITY

talk to a cyber security expert today!