cyber risk advisory

Boards of directors, executive management, and security leaders understand that cyber risk threatens enterprise value. Thus, majority of organizations are strengthening their defenses and improving enterprise resiliency. Covert Threat has a diverse team of experts who have provided advisement services to clients on cyber risk for decades, and we now serve as trusted cybersecurity advisors to thousands of enterprises. We know the risks facing almost all industries, and we’ve provided the leadership, advice, staffing support, and technical skills that security leaders have grown to trust.

We offer customized assessment, advisory, and management assurance services. These services provide transparency on your current cyber risk posture, implement the security improvements you seek to make, and provide an assurance to the board and senior management that risk is being managed according to policy.

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Your applications, servers and networks are all vulnerable - build a common sense plan to address the most critical weaknesses.


Test your defenses - identify and validate the vulnerabilities through exploitation before cyber criminals do.

vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing

Know the Difference!

Vulnerability Assessment

Penetration Testing


Monthly. Plus an additional test after changes in the network.

At least once a year. Typically quarterly or semi-annually.


Comprehensive list of vulnerabilities, which may include false positives.

A “call to action” document. It lists the vulnerabilities that were successfully exploited.

Performed By

In-house security staff or a third-party vendor like Covert Threat.

A provider of penetration testing services like Covert Threat.


Uncovers a wide range of possible vulnerabilities.

Identifies and reduces weaknesses by validating and exploiting vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment


Monthly. Plus an additional test after changes in the network.


Comprehensive list of vulnerabilities, which may include false positives.

Performed By

In-house security staff or a third-party vendor like CyberArq.


Uncovers a wide range of possible vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing


At least once a year. Typically quarterly or semi-annually.


A “call to action” document. It lists the vulnerabilities that were successfully exploited.

Performed By

A provider of penetration testing services like CyberArq.


Identifies and reduces weaknesses by validating and exploiting vulnerabilities.

Is your business secure?


CovertThreat is ready to assist with all your organizational security needs! 

Are you Prepared?


Our team of  industry experts are ready to assess your organizational end-points to discover all possible security flaws.

Lets Us Find your Weak-points!


Once we assess your organization for security flaws, our team provides the a detailed solution to eliminate the potential threat vectors. We work with you!

Your Trust, Our SECURITY

talk to a cyber security expert today!