Majority of organizations continue to invest in technology and services to reduce their overall risk exposure. It is common for organizations to invest in select controls that have little to no impact regarding additional security implementations to minimize the threats posed by cyber attackers.
A cyber security gap analysis identifies the differences between the current and the ideal state of the information security posture within your organization.
Covert Threat’s leading cyber security experts can assist your organization with a GAP analysis to assist your organization with:
Once the GAP analysis has been concluded, our experts will generate a report which is easily understandable for your organization’s executives.
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing:
Network, Wireless, Web Application, Mobile, IoT, Social Engineering and more.
Gap Analysis, Risk & External Threat Assessment, Policies & Procedures, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery planning and Vendor Management.
CovertThreat is ready to assist with all your organizational security needs!
Our team of industry experts are ready to assess your organizational end-points to discover all possible security flaws.
Once we assess your organization for security flaws, our team provides the a detailed solution to eliminate the potential threat vectors. We work with you!
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